June 20, 2022 - 2:00pm - 3:30pm


In 2022, the HOME Refugee Steering Committee at the Lynden Sculpture Garden invites you to observe WORLD REFUGEE DAY in a virtual event on World Refugee Day and then in a series of outdoor events and programs at Lynden that celebrate Milwaukee's refugee communities through art, food, fashion, and performance.

HOME 2022 launches on World Refugee Day, Monday, June 20, 2022 when Lynden joins the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families (DCF) in marking the day with a virtual celebration on Lynden’s Facebook Live:

Lynden’s Kim Khaira will be joined by DCF’s Director of Bureau of Refugee Programs and Wisconsin State Refugee Coordinator Bojana Zoric Martinez and three community hosts: Hasina Begum, Maryam Durani, and Gwendolyn Sutton. The program will include a proclamation from Governor Tony Evers, a proclamation and message from Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson, and a message from DCF Secretary Emilie Amundson.

The community hosts, all members of the HOME Steering committee, will introduce messages from:
• Milwaukee’s faith community: Pardeep Kaleka of Interfaith Conference of Greater Milwaukee; Kai Gardener Mishlove of Tables Across Borders and the Jewish Community Relations Council).
• Local refugee resettlement agencies: Sadek Ahmad and Mary Flynn of Lutheran Social Services; Alexander P. Durtka, Jr., Suan Neam , Lucien Masudi, Shafi Malyar, Pretty Mujanyi, Ryan Hussin, and Brian Curry of the International Institute of Wisconsin.
• Local refugee-serving agencies: Edumakon o Zetho of Catholic Charities; Helima Aichoune and Muhammad Amin of Hanan Refugees Relief Group; Halyna Salapata of Wisconsin Ukrainians – Milwaukee Branch; Po Too, Tessy Sheidun, and Nawpaw of Aurora Walker’s Point Community Center; Tailor Manerson and Kuku from the Neighborhood House of Milwaukee’s International Learning Program; and Kourosh Hassani of the Milwaukee Board of School Directors, presenting a video message from several refugee students in MPS.

As they introduce these messages, the hosts and their translators (Nurahayati Ali and Khatera Nazeri) will share their own stories as refugees and their thoughts about World Refugee Day.

The virtual program will remain online after the live broadcast.

Please join us on Sunday, June 26, 2022 for our in-person celebration at Lynden.

For all HOME 2022 programming, click here.

HOME 2022 is sponsored in part by the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families, Refugee Programs; Anthem Blue-Cross Blue-Shield; Hanan Refugee Relief Group; Milwaukee Muslim Women’s Coalition; the Institute of World Affairs at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; Our City of Nationals Conference at the Medical College of Wisconsin; the Jewish Community Relations Council of the Milwaukee Jewish Federation; Hayat Pharmacy; Islamic Society of Milwaukee; Milwaukee Public Library; the Community Center for Immigrants; and the Hmong American Women’s Association.

Additional partners include the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development Worker Connection Program and the Center for Latin American Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

©2025 Lynden Sculpture Garden